Friday 1 March 2013

Rush to Riften

Morndas 18th of last seed 4E 201

After soaking in the river a while, I sat on the bank wearing the ragged robes yet again and ate the half a bread loaf that was in the emergency package. I want to save the big loaf for later, as I might start getting hungry with no home to cook in and only 313 Gold to my name.

Well, after my ordeal last night I had no reason to believe that what happened to me was an isolated incident,   so I thought I better check out the other nearby residences to see how they were and ask for information. Just as I stand up and get ready to be on my way I hear a squeal behind me...

...It's a Skeever. These disgusting vermin riddle the forests around here and are known to be quite bold when hungry. He must have been hungry as he jumped right at me! I fumbled for a second with the pack but managed to place my hands upon the twin daggers and slashed at the vile creature until it stopped moving. 

I had killed creatures before, it's something that comes from living in the forest, but never had I felt a bloodlust take over me while I hacked away. Taking my anger out on the vermin satisfied me momentarily, but I felt a little sick with myself for having such feelings and hastily put away the daggers. I cut off the thing's tail as I know it is used in some herbal remedies, and took it with me.

I continued on my way, and eventually reached Heartwood Mill. I know that Liefnar and Grosta live here with their son, and it's quite close to our house so maybe they know something?

"Gralnach!" I shout at the boy. "Where are your mother and father? Are they alright? Were you attacked?" I do seem a bit hysterical here, but can you blame me after what I've been through?

"Er, hello Freya, you haven't been on the mead again have you?" The cheeky little brat says to me.

"What? Oh that was one time!" I shout, remembering the time when I had drunk two bottles of my father's mead and drunkenly stumbled over to the mill raving about apple pie...

"Mom's inside if you wanted to see her, you haven't got any apple pie have you?" He grins at me and then runs off, narrowly missing my backhand slap aimed right at his head. Never in my eighteen years have I met anyone as cheeky as that boy! Well, nothing seems amiss around here, so I calm down a bit and enter their house as I have done a hundred times before...

"Oh! I didn't expect you Freya, how are you?" Grosta asks me looking a little flustered.

"I'm not well actually, last night some men came and took father away and attacked me, leaving our house in ruins! Can you believe it?" I pour my heart out to Grosta, and her expression hardens which is odd as I thought she would be sympathetic towards me.

"Hmmm, that is strange, you seem alright now." She pulls me aside, "Don't tell Gralnach but Liefnar has gone missing too!" I gasp in shock, he must have been taken too! "We weren't attacked or anything, he just left two days ago and never came back, good riddance I say!" She grinned at me but I wasn't in a jocular mood.

"You're telling me that your husband has gone missing and you don't care to find him? What have you told Gralnach?" I exasperate at the woman.

"I have told him nothing, that man is better off lost I'm telling you! Now don't say a word to Gralnach." With that she ushers us outside and I am left speechless for a moment.

Not only does Grosta not care that I have been attacked and my father taken, but she spares no sympathy for her estranged husband either! It looks like it's up to me to investigate what has been going on here, and only yesterday I was a simple cook, baking goods for my family and this community. The people of which it seems I never truly knew that well after all.

I inform Grosta that I intend to find out what happened here and possibly find her husband too along the way. She looks shocked that I spoke out loud about her husband when she had just asked me not to in front of her son. Well, it serves her right for being so self centred and not caring about me or even her husband's well-being.  I think as I stalk off.

"Mom, what did she just say about dad?" I hear from Gralnach.

"Thanks, Freya!" Grosta shouts sarcastically as I walk away.

That was a strange encounter alright, I think as I am walking in the direction of Riften. Grosta is usually one of the friendliest people around here, I wonder what's got into her? I am pondering this as I hear wolf calls from all around me!

One second my heart starts hammering in my chest with fear, the next, the fear has changed into anticipation and as the wolf pack charges me I lose control of my senses and come back to myself with the bodies of three wolves at my feet. My heart slows down as the threat is over, silently wondering where all this hatred came from that is now seething within me. Of course, last night...

I take my time and skin each of the corpses as I was taught to do as a child, willing myself not to think about what happened to me last night and the hateful feelings that are building inside of me. When that is done, I carefully wrap the skins and take them with me to sell, I continue onwards and spy the Goldenglow Estate from my side of the river.

I decide it's probably a better bet to head towards Merryfair Farm as I get on better with the Llanith family. They supply the food that I cook, my father had a deal with them that anything they grew that was surplus to their order's from Riften they would pass on to me. I would then cook up the food and take it around to the people who lived nearby. I wouldn't make much money from this but people always wanted to give me a little something for my treats, because my food just tasted too good, apparently.

My father used to do a bit of everything really, he was a hunter, sometimes cook, builder, and took care of any odd jobs that needed doing around the lumber mill or in town. I mostly keep to myself and help out around the house, or do chores but I guess that life is over now...

I run the rest of the way Merryfair as I can see some guards patrolling the grounds. I run straight to the first Rift Guard I see...

"Thank Mara I have found you! I have been attacked! I need help..." I am cut short by the guard's reply.

"Sorry miss, but we are investigating a theft and you will need to take it up with the Riften Guards in town." He says dismissively and strolls off! I can't believe it, again, no one seems to care about what happened to me! This is ridiculous! I am fuming by now but I calm myself, since being angry will solve nothing.

I ask Synda what has been stolen, as it might have a connection to the people who took my father but all she says is:

"It's only a stupid bow! I don't see why he's so upset!" and gets back to work tending the field.

Dravin is more forthcoming with information and tells me that some one came in the night and stole his favourite bow, a family heirloom. I tell him my story and he wonders if it was the same people? I wonder the same but realise that I am the only person willing to do something about these incidents as he also goes back to his precious field after telling me that the thieves are probably at the Ratway. 

If only I could go back to my life so easily... 

I agree to investigate who took his bow as it may lead me to the same men that I am after and resolve to make my way to Riften.

It doesn't take too much longer to arrive at Riften, when I am stopped by the guard.

"Halt, before you enter the city you must pay the visitor's tax." He states. Visitor's tax? What new rule is this? I have been here many times and never had to pay a tax to enter! This is an outrage!

"Visitor's tax? What kind of a scam is this? I am here to report a crime!" I shout righteously. I don't think I have ever been this outspoken! "I don't have time for this!"

"...Ok, ok, you can enter, calm down! I'll open the gates!" The guard slinks away to open the gates, well being angry paid off this time it seems!

I enter through the gates of Riften and ponder my next move.

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